Core Activity: For a film about your book which actor / actress would you recommend for the leading role? Explain, in detail, why

I choose Ko Ah Ra to play the leading role if film was being made about ‘Of nightingales that weep’ because I think she represents what Takiko has been described as in the book very well. The author had said Takiko had very pale skin with dark brown eyes that stood out. Ko Ah Ra also very pale skin that makes her dark eyes stand out. From the picture we can see she has very silky long brown/black hair. When you look at the cover of the book you can see the girl has similar hair to Ko Ah Ra.

Not only I think looks wise Ko Ah Ra represents Takiko well but she also a very innocent and young look to her face. Takiko is only 13 in the book but the author described as her someone who looks much older and that’s why I think Ko Ah Ra suits Takiko very well. Ko Ah Ra looks like she could be a girl from the age of 13 to 16. These are many of the reasons why I think Ko Ha Ra would be perfect for the role of Takiko.



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